Saturday, July 21, 2012

Please consider and discuss!

I would LOVE my blogs to be more than just me spouting my thoughts and beliefs.  I would like my blogs to inspire discussion.  It would be wise to rein in emotions while discussing opposing viewpoints on things.  Civil communication is always the wisest.  Communication can be a powerful medium to inspire change.

Celeste, Women of the Drifting Anchor Ranch, is a novel about a woman who is trapped into sexual slavery at the age of 14.  It went against the first rule of writing, "Write what you know," for me to write this novel.  It felt almost as though someone were writing through me.  I don't believe in "channeling," in the traditional spiritualistic sense of the word but I definitely wrote way out of my comfort zone.

A week after I started writing this book I watched a documentary.  It was about sexual slavery NOW.  I was appalled to find out that sexual slavery is at an all time high in our world today.  This is not just an enslaver of female children, and teens, this is an enslaver of males as well.

The discussion that I would like to have right now is about ideas of ways to either prevent one soul from being trapped in sexual slaveries darkly evil depths, or in ways to lift one person, or even better more from this hellish mess.  Two goals are needed, prevention is the best choice, but rescue is also ever so important.

There is one method that I would suggest.  In America we hear lots about serial rapists, and murderers who seek out small children that are vulnerable.  My girls heard about "Stranger danger" many times when they were children.

I am appalled as I go about my daily life and see small children alone, without a hint of an adult anywhere close.  I always wonder, are the parents unaware of the danger, do they just not care, or are they thinking "That can't happen to us, or this is a very safe place."  To my mind any of those ideas show a very tragic ignorance.

There are now people paid to stroll the streets, and byways of our country looking for prey.  It doesn't take more than a quick minute to grab a small child, toss them into a waiting vehicle and drive away into a mystery.

Even when I was still a young woman a precious child was snatched away in this manner in a teeny, tiny, "safe" town near to where I grew up.  A few years later a sixteen year old woman was snatched.  Later it was discovered that Ted Bundy had lived in the area during that time.  Neither of these young ones was ever discovered.

NEVER let your children play alone without an adult or a child twelve years of age or older.  Predators target children who are unsupervised. 

Networking can be a tool of power in preventing these crimes, or solving them.  Please watch over your children.  Our future depends on it!

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