Friday, July 6, 2012

Celeste-Tragedy and Joy

I have begun to go through the process of finishing the rough draft copy of my third book in the series "Women of the Drifting Anchor Ranch."  It's title is "Celeste, Women of the Drifting Anchor Ranch."

One of the first rules of writing is "Write what you know."  I DIDN'T know about sexual slavery....I didn't WANT to know about this subject.  Yet as I began to define Celeste's character, and personality that is what she became....a fourteen year old girl trapped into the soul crushing business of prostitution.

A week after I had begun to write the story of Celeste I tripped across a documentary about sexual slavery today.  I was stunned when the documentary said that sexual slavery is at an ALL TIME HIGH  in our world.  There are more sexual slaves in our world than at any other time in history!!!

Then I began to feel as though there was a purpose in writing Celeste in that hideous situation.  I warn everyone that this novel is NOT for the faint of heart.  I am not graphic in describing the experience for Celeste.  Yet she has a story to tell that goes beyond the 1800's.  Sadly enough this hideous practice continues NOW in the 21st century.

There ARE things that we can do to help the children, and teens that are trapped in this grisly world.  In my case I WILL speak out about it.  I will shout from the rooftops, PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN!  I have seen so many children 5 and younger by themselves at playgrounds.  Where are the parents?  Sexual predators actually troll places where children play looking for their next victim.  Ie!

Keep your children in your sight at all times.  NEVER let them outside to roam about alone.  This is especially true if you travel!  On excursions my husband and I used to put our two daughters in the middle of us.  He was in front, I was in back, and the girls in the middle where we could see them at all times. 

Teach your children the dangers of chat rooms, and meeting a VIRTUAL friend in real time alone.  It is SO EASY for sexual predators to pretend that they are something other than themselves.  A cute young boy for example looking for a girlfriend. 

I watched another program about a young girl who went to meet a friend from a "chat room."  He turned out to be a 40 year old male that trapped her into sexual slavery.  She was in this horrible condition for years before she managed to escape.

This is NOT just about girls.  Boys are also trapped in this web of evil.  Train your children how to defend themselves.  Teach them about the dangers in this world.  There ARE people that still can be trusted.  Another program I watched an officer spoke about if a child gets lost in a busy place.  He said, "Tell them to look for a woman.  85% of the violent crimes perpetrated in this country are MALE." 

I wish to end on a positive note.  If we can prevent just ONE child or teen from getting into this situation it is wonderful.  If we can rescue even one child or teen from this web of intrigue and wickedness also wonderful!  Imagine if we could set ALL of these people free!  Let's keep learning, and protecting our precious children.  They are our future!

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