Anchors have been used for a very long time. They provide a way of holding a boat in place. This is a good thing for many reasons. It's helpful if you need to stop in one place to fish. It's helpful if you need your boat to stand so that you can rest for a while. There are many useful applications for an anchor.
Anchors are extremely heavy. Not only does the ship pull at them, but they are buffeted by wind, rain, and ocean currents. The above picture is an anchor from the 1800's that was rescued and now plays the part of a reminder of time gone by.
Why did I choose the title for my series, "Women of the Drifting Anchor Ranch?" Why choose an anchor to name a landlocked ranch? Well, actually, it's not really landlocked, the Columbia River is on part of the property.
Blake Calkin, the founder of the Drifting Anchor Ranch, is shanghaied at the age of 14. He rises to become a ship Captain, and owns his own ship by the young age of 20. He has reached an age, 22, when he wants to build his own ranch, and start a family. He looks all over the world and just can't seem to find the right place to build.
One night he has his 2nd in command take over so that he can get some much needed rest. They are very close to the junction of the Columbia River, and the Pacific Ocean. This is a very dangerous place to be. The currents of the ocean, reaching the current of this great river creates a dangerous shifting of sands. Even the most experienced of captains struggle to navigate this portal. It has been named "The Graveyard of the Pacific," for a very good reason. There have been myriads of shipwrecks in this space that have been recorded.
Running aground Blake is astonished at the beauty of the area that they have landed in. He spends an hour walking around looking at the land. He realizes that he has found the place that he wishes to make his own.
The crew fix the minor damage to the boat, and Blake commands it to Astoria. There he goes to the land filing office. He is very nervous that the area has already been sold. He is ecstatic to discover that he can purchase five thousand acres, even ten thousand if he wishes. He has wisely saved his money. He sells the boat to his second in command and travels back to his new home. He travels the ten thousand acres for a week before he finally determines where he will build his log cabin. When trying to find a name for his ranch he remembers what led him here. Drifting Anchor Ranch it is!
An anchor can actually be a negative thing. If not set properly it can drift, pulling us off our life's course, and even running us aground. It is good to have your life anchored to something positive, like having faith in yourself, your family, and your God. On the other hand, if you do not set that anchor properly, by choosing to fill your time with shallow choices, you may find yourself run aground.
Anchors are hugely trendy in fashion right now. I love it. I have two anchor purses, an anchor phone case, anchor necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Wearing these often gives me the opportunity to speak about my series. So, if you see a red headed lady with lots of anchors on, that just might be me!
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