Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blake Calkin

It was a chilly, rainy, Portland day.  It seemed appropriate to me to go for a very long walk in one of the five cemeteries that surrounded our humble cottage.  I think every writer should stroll through a cemetery from time to time.  The amazing life stories that you discover when you read tombstones can teach you, and/or inspire you.

I had decided that I was going to write a novel.  It would be romance, historical fiction.  I knew that I wanted to base a fictional town and people around an actual town and people.  I knew that there would be a strong male figure that the book would revolve around.  It would take place in the 1800's.

I need a NAME!  Names are critical in writing.  If you name someone Ebenezer Scrooge even before you know that he is miserly, and miserable, you know he's not a nice person....I mean really Ebenezer Scrooge?

Conversely, ROBIN HOOD, that is the name of a champion.  He was generous, passionate in righting wrongs....a superhero long before Superman was created, and he was more or less a real human.

So....a wonderful name for the male fulcrum of my story.  There stood a proud tall gravestone.  Engraved in larger than life letters was the name BLAKE CALKIN!  That was it!  A heroes name.  I chuckled though wondering if BLAKE CALKIN the man under the tombstone in real life had been a tiny accountant with very thick glasses, that was prohibitively shy, but extremely rich!  (Did I mention that beautiful HUGE tombstone?)

Nonetheless, a star was born, a star named BLAKE CALKIN! 

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