Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My Sheros

Ardis, Sarah, Celeste, Angela, Rose, Lily, Beth, Tapestry.  These are the names of my seven Sheros.  Each book is stand alone, except for Tapestry.  A tapestry is a wall hanging made by weaving threads in and out to create a lovely picture.  I am doing the same thing in a literary fashion.  Tapestry will finish smoothing out the rough edges of my series.

Journal entries for all of the women will be posted on this blog.  This will help you to peek into the coming attractions of my series.  Each of the women named above will have their own book in the series.  I did not write my series in a chronological order.  I am a rather random writer.  I first began a book that I'm just now getting around to publishing.  Her story intrigued me and began first one book, then two, then three, on and on to eight.

I have published two books, Beth, and Celeste, of the Drifting Anchor Ranch.  You can see above that they were not written in chronological order.  I'm now working to rectify that.

I'm excited for everyone to meet Ardis, a lovely pioneer woman who travels from Tennessee to Calkington only to find that the land they had purchased was in the middle of the Columbia river.  She travels with a new husband and his family.  Her husband is excited by the idea of fighting in the American Civil War which breaks out shortly after they begin their journey.  He leaves, and Ardis travels on with her in-laws.  Shortly before they reach their goal, all of Ardis' family drowns in a rushing river.

Sarah is a Native American.  She is The Leader of The People, a tribe that lives on the top of Meleshe, a mountain top.  To protect their value system they are a closed society.  I have created some language for this group.  It exists only in my head.  It has been very enjoyable to design a vocal method of communication.

Please stay tuned for coming attractions. 

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