Monday, May 20, 2013

Celeste's Journal

September, 21, 1868

Red came to my door.  At least I think it was Red.  He was downright dapper.  Gone were his scraggly whiskers.  His face shiny with the freshness of a new shave.  His hair was neatly trimmed, his curls held in the rigid embrace of some barber's solution.  His face was as red as his hair.  In his hands was a box of chocolates. 

I blinked twice with disbelief.  Red calling on me?  Red was my brother.  I had not a single hint of romantic interest in Red.  I was frightened that his appearance would ruin our friendship. 

I pulled Red inside.  He sat nervously in my shop.  He was silent for a long moment.  Finally clearing his throat he said, "Celeste, is there any chance for me, I mean do you think..."  His beautiful eyes fastened on my face.

I breathed deeply trying to think of the right words to say that would not ruin our previous friendship. 

"Chocolates, I bought them for you." 

"Thank you Red.  I just..."

That's all that I got out.  Red said, "This was a mistake.  I can see by your expression that you have no interest in me romantically.  Daggone it Celeste, why do you have to be so beautiful inside and out?  It's no surprise that any man would have a hard time not holding you and kissing you."

"That damn Blake Calkington!  I know that you're falling in love with him.  What's more I'm pretty certain that he's in love with you as well.  He's convinced himself so fully of his own bad luck that he's pretty close to missing out on the greatest adventure that life could give him, YOU!"

Red stood up.  He strode to the door.  Opening it he blew a kiss in Celeste's direction.  "Don't worry Celeste, I will never mention this visit.  Please don't tell anyone that I was here this evening.  I'm going to tell everybody that I went to Astoria to see one of them fancy plays."  Red turned and winked at Celeste, "It could happen.  Someday I may actually get culture."  Dropping his hat and dipping low Red bowed to me. 

Putting his hat firmly on his head he closed my door.   I heard the pounding hooves of a galloping horse riding away.

I sat there for a long moment staring at the door.  Then I opened the ribbon tied box and ate a chocolate.

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