Sunday, November 11, 2012


I was married to one of the most romantic men that I've ever known....and I've known quite a few men in my lifetime.  (No NOT in the Biblical sense of "know"....clean up your

This romantic, loving part of Nyle was and will always be a big part of my romance novels.  He was not only gigantic in stature (six foot four, and two hundred eighty pounds)....Oh did I mention that it took me about fifteen minutes to iron and starch ONE of his shirts....and I'm a fast ironer?  He was gigantic in gesture and love.

One example.  Soon after Nyle and I married he told me that two times of the day were uniquely special to him.  That was the two times of the day when it was 11:11.  That was the only two times of the day that all four digits were the same.  So, he concluded that whenever we saw 11:11 and were together we would hold hands for that one minute until it was 11:12.

Did I just hear all the women reading this sigh and say in a loud voice, AHHHH???  Oh he was an AHHHH kind of man.  He was the stuff that romance novels are made of.

Last night I couldn't sleep.  I don't know why.  Once in a while I just have a miserable night where I toss and turn, and wake up frequently.  This precludes much activity on the following day.

So sitting in my comfy blue recliner (that used to be Nyle's favorite chair in the house) I started to cry hard missing Nyle so desperately that I felt I couldn't breathe.  Then I happened to look at the TV and saw that today's date is 11/11.  So, this delightful day is dedicated to my beloved.  I will write about him, and communicate with those that loved him near and far.

Today in my mind I will be holding tight to Nyle's strong, loving, comforting hand.  I will be strengthening my resolve to move forward into life by remembering the love that Nyle and I shared for twenty-seven years, and I believe that we will share forever.

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